Where do you find what you need? Here's a few suggestions on where to start. These are only some suggestions on which resource to start with. You may find similar/additional information in other resources.
What | Where | Note |
Company & Product Info. |
Company History |
Where better to go than to the company itself? |
Product Line, Product Mix |
SWOT Analysis | You can also use what you have learned about the company in your research to add to SWOT. | |
Environmental & Industry Info. | Search your co. and look for the "Industries" section. It will have NAICS codes next to it. | |
Competitors | ||
Mission Statement, Logo, Slogan |
Market Segment & Target Market |
Who are they selling to? How much do the buy? What are the characteristics of that group (age, sex, income, etc.)? |
The Four "P"s |
Price, Product, Promotion, Place |
Social Media |
Look for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube icons. How many likes, followers, views do they have? What type of info is posted, shared, or presented? |
99.9% of the research for this assignment will come from using the Evans Library's databases. The "best bets" are a great place to start - and sometimes finish - your research. When you need help, or have a question, ask a Librarian.
Need some inspiration for a new marketing plan for the company you're researching? These books - available in the Evans Library - might be the spark you need.
Films and short videos can often offer current and reliable information. Take a look at this short video on how Yelp influences marketing and then explore Films on Demand for more videos.