The Evans Library provides online access to a large number of criminal justice related journals. You can search for articles by clicking on the links below. Need more help? Ask a librarian.
These books can be always be found in the 1st floor Reference section of the Evans Library. If you need help, ask a Librarian!
Stay current, stay informed! Recently published books on topics related to criminal justice are now available in e-format. Click on the links below to begin reading. If you need help, ask a Librarian!
Streaming films specific to criminal justice students through Films on Demand is available on this page. A short tutorial on using Films on Demand is below. If you need help ask a Librarian!
This is list of reliable, credible and accurate websites for topics in Criminal Justice. This partial list has been developed by the Librarians at the Evans Library. If you have any questions - please ask a Librarian, we're here to help!