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A research guide for students in ENG 103 - Hymowech

Brainstorm Your Topic

people communicating via many media Your research process starts with an idea.  That idea  leads to another idea, and another, and another.  It's called brainstorming - gathering what you already know, what you want to know, and what you might need to know in one spot.  Click the image to the left or just start brainstorming here!

Find Sources

You task is to find and incorporate what others have written about your topic or subject.  Use the library's databases to find college-level articles and incorporate parts of those into your paper.  These will be the sources supporting your thesis. Remember, your ideas matter the most!  

Books are a great way to use informative and reliable sources in your paper.  Besides the suggestions below, the Evans Library has thousands of eBooks on the topic of elections

General Resources & Reference Databases

General Resources


Reference Databases


Discover books, articles, videos and more

You can also use our Databases by Subject Areas page.
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