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A research guide for students in ENG103

The research process starts with an idea.  That idea leads tpeople communicating via many mediao another idea,  and another, and another.  It's called  brainstorming - gathering what you already know, what you want to know and what you might need to know in one spot. There's no rules and no grades for this part of the research process, just thinking! Click the image on the right or just start brainstorming here!

Find What Others Are Saying About Your Topic

You task is to find and incorporate what others have written about your topic or subject.  Use the library's databases to find college-level sources and incorporate parts of those into your paper.  These sources will be your secondary sources. Remember, your ideas matter the most!      

Remember, your research assignment asks you to "use one of the Evans Library website,

find one article/essay (from a book or a periodical) that supports the opinion of your thesis."