Using Boolean Logic (And/Or/Not) is one of the easiest ways to get the information you want from a online book catalog or database. Click on this link for a simple (and colorful) explanation of Boolean logic in action. Then put it to use! If you need help, ask a Librarian - that's why we're here!
The easiest way to find information or critical pieces on short stories or authors is to search the Evans Library online catalog.
To search for information on authors select the "words in subject" field and enter your author's last name (i.e. "Shakespeare").
You can also search using the "all fields" options and entering the author's last name/name of work AND criticism (i.e. Shakespeare AND Hamlet AND criticism).
To find criticism on a particular short story, select the "words in subject" field and enter the title of the short story (i.e. "Hills Like White Elephants")
Remember, if you can't find what you're looking for in the Evans Library, check out the SUNY Catalog, where you request books using InterLibrary loan to be sent to the Evans Library.