FDIC - Money Smart for Young People
This financial series features four free age-appropriate curriculums that are designed to promote financial understanding in young people. The innovative standards-aligned curriculums can be incorporated into subjects such as English language arts, Mathematics and Social Studies. Curriculum includes:
Grades Pre-K to 3
Grades 3 -5
Grades 6 - 8
Grades 9 -12
These checklists offer steps you can take to help your (or your child’s) chances of getting into—and being able to afford—the school of your choice. Includes both academic and financial preparation for college or career school.
Elementary School Checklist: Student and parent checklists that start the student on the road to enjoying learning and point the parent to resources for college savings accounts.
Middle School Checklist: Student and parent checklists that get the student thinking about high school and possible careers and encourage the parent to keep an eye on the student’s progress.
High School Checklist: Student and parent checklists that help the student focus on succeeding academically and learning about financial aid and provide the parent with tips for supporting the student and participating in the financial aid application process.