The Evans Library provides online access to a large number of sociology related journals. You can search for articles by clicking on the links below. Need more help? Ask a librarian!
These books can be always be found in the 1st floor Reference section of the Evans Library. eBooks can be used anywhere by clicking on the title of the book. If you need help, ask a Librarian!
Streaming films specific to sociology students through Films on Demand are available on this page. A short tutorial on using Films on Demand is below. Need more help? Ask a librarian!
Click on the links below to find focused research guides on subjects and courses.
We have many textbooks, DVDs, anatomical models and other materials available for students to use in the library. We actively work with your instructors to provide you with access to these items. Use the link below to see what we have on reserve.
eBook Central (one of our favorites!).
Need help getting started? Use the I need Help website.
Click for more eBooks:
Looking for something in the Library? Start with this list of videos and DVDs that support FM's courses and programs. These items are located on the first floor. Links below are to available streaming media sites.
The link below will take you to our Databases by Subject page.
Evans Library - search for books on our shelves using Primo.
Fill out a request form. Books, DVDs and magazines! Our circulating collection is closed for browsing, but we will get you what you need.
Public Libraries - books from libraries in area public libraries
WorldCat - books from libraries all over the world.
Resource Sharing - request books and materials from other libraries.
(We used to call this InterLibrary Loan!)
If you need help remember to ask a librarian.