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A research guide for students in Andersson's ENG104 class.

Searching 101

When searching databases use these tricks to help you get more accurate and relevant results.

Use the following techniques to help the search for sources:

Operator When to use Example Results
AND Sources that contain both terms Wilson AND "The Piano Lesson" Results with both the words Wilson and "The Piano Lesson"
OR Sources that contain one of multiple search terms alienation OR loneliness Results with either alienation or loneliness. Good for like terms or synonyms.
NOT Sources that do not include the term listed "The Piano Lesson" NOT reviews Excludes results that include the term reviews.  We need analysis not someone's opinion about whether or not they liked the story.
"  "       Sources with the exact term or phrase "The Piano Lesson" Results that include the exact phrase "The Piano Lesson."
*    Finds variations of the stem  alienat* Results that include any variation of the terms entered.  Ex:  alienation, alienate
(  )   Group words together when combining more than one operator Wilson AND "The Piano Lesson" AND (alienation OR loneliness) Results that include both the terms Wilson and "The Piano Lesson with either alienation or loneliness.