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Evans Library's guide for FM students. Questions? Just ask us!

The terms "plagiarism" and "academic integrity" may sound like another language. That's ok!  Part of college is learning how to understand what's expected of you and how you can meet those expectations.  The easiest way to understand plagiarism and academic integrity is to spend sometime exploring the videos, web pages and books on this page and then ask questions.  Librarians, as well as your instructors, are always willing to help.

Click for FM's Academic Integrity Policy


Want to learn how to avoid plagiarism interactively?  Try this:

Videos about Plagiarism

After you watch "A Quick Guide", view the video below. It's a 4 minute segment from a video on Plagiarism.  If you have the time, watch the whole 20 minute video from Films on Demand.

Need more information? Read these!