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Student Services



EOP staff can be reached by texting 518-620-5084 or via email at

The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at Fulton-Montgomery Community College provides necessary support systems for students to achieve academic and social (interpersonal) success.  Students are considered for entry to EOP by indicating interest in the program via their application for admission.

Funded by the State University of New York (SUNY), EOP students across the state have achieved higher graduation rates than their non-EOP cohorts through the support, guidance and academic expectations set forth by the program.  The goal of EOP is to increase the number of economically and academically challenged students completing college degrees.

EOP provides a framework for student success that includes: one-to-one case management of participants, time management skills, adjusting to college level academic expectations, transitioning to college life, maintaining appropriate study habits, tutoring in math, sciences and writing and meeting with the academic counselor to ensure adequate supports. The program provides limited direct aid financial assistance.

EOP students are required to fully participate in activities and meet the obligations set forth by the program.  These requirements/activities include: freshmen EOP summer orientation, bi-weekly meeting with their academic coach/counselor, required study hours in the EOP Study Space, participation in mandatory tutoring for any class for which the student has earned less than a “C” average, and participation in EOP seminar workshops throughout the semesters.

EOP will also assist students in advancement of their academic goals beyond FM. Through our network of relationships with other EOP Directors across the state, the EOP office can make contact with other programs to find the best fit for advanced academic pursuits. Through full participation in EOP students acquire the necessary skills for college and career success. They are immersed in an EOP family through which they can access life-long support, networking and provide a pipeline of support for future generations of EOP students. Once accepted into the program, students are forever “Proud to be EOP.”

For further information regarding the program and to check on your eligibility for services, please contact:

Moira Samek

Director of EOP

518-736-3622 ext 8203

Fax: 518-762-2882

Catherine Geniti

EOP Counselor